Saturday, May 8, 2010

Operations Research Analyst Jobs - Are You Interested in a Career in Management Science?

Management science involves using complex analytical techniques in order to solve complex problems and to make improve decision making. Operations research has frequently been used by the military in order to develop sophisticated radar systems that they can use to search for enemy equipment and supplies when they are needed.

In the private sector, operational research is frequently utilised in order to maximise business opportunities, using computer modelling in order to determine the best course of action for a corporation. Large corporations are incredibly complex, and they will frequently need to manage a large amount of resources. Research analysts will find ways to utilize these resources efficiently, and they will come up with a number of solutions which they will present to the managers of the company, will then choose the best course of action.

These professionals are frequently involved in the top levels of companies making strategic decisions and allocating resources properly. Operations analysts will frequently run various problems in some areas through computer systems in order to estimate probabilities of success for a course of action or a business decision, frequently constructing mathematical models in order to describe the process.

An example would be working for an airline agency, using computer modeling in order to estimate flight scheduling, passenger demand, ticket prices, fuel prices, maintenance costs, and other variables in order to improve the decisions of a airline company.

The working conditions for operations analysts typically involve overtime in order to meet deadlines, although they will frequently average 40 hours or work a week. Most of their day is spent in an office environment working on high priority projects, which can be stressful.

Most of these individuals will have a bachelor's degree in a field such as computer science or engineering, and they will frequently be well versed in computer technology in order to create statistical models. Management scientist positions will grow slightly faster than the rate of population growth over the next decade, and most sectors of the economy will employ these professionals.

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