Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How to Find Private Equity Jobs Working With Recruiters

It’s critical to know how to work with a private equity jobs recruiter if you want to get your resume in front of the right private equity hiring firm and to give personal brand broad distribution to a group of targeted private equity job recruiters. Here are some basic rules of the road to utilize to work for/with private equity jobs recruiters:

1. Understand that most recruiters are “retained” to find private equity job candidates that would be a good fit for a private equity job that they are work on. They are all busy looking for that “right” candidate – so, when you are on the phone with them make sure you have a career highlights script you want to review with them, which can be a summary of your background to date.

2. Always take a call from a private equity jobs recruiter – they are an important source for jobs and it is always in your best interest to have some meaningful dialogue with them about your background, compensation and/or optimum private equity job you are looking for.

3. Some of the specific points you want to discuss with a private equity jobs recruiter include: what their specific focus is in terms of jobs (hedge fund jobs, private equity jobs, back office financial services), will they treat your resume in confidence and not shotgun blast it out to companies and via the web, do they concentrate on a specific geographical are, what is timeline to hear back from them.

4. Identify a small number of private equity jobs recruiters that you want to work with who are focusing on private equity jobs and maintain some regular contact with them. Building a long term relationship with them is a good thing, as they have access to a steady flow of private equity jobs that you might not find via any other source.

5. If a recruiter contacts you about a private equity job then ask for a job description first and then analyze it to understand if it matches your skill sets; if not, don’t waste their time, as they will remember this moving forward and refer them to someone that you know may be a better fit or simply let them know your background is not a good fit.

6. Do refer your friends/associates to your recruiter network for any type of private equity job – they will remember you for the valuable referral and this will help to cement a relationship with them – it’s called building valuable mindshare.

7. Compensation is typically come up in conversations with private equity jobs recruiters – be honest with them about your current position (don’t pad your numbers!) and what you’d like to make for your next position. They can give you valuable perspective about what other peers are making in the private equity jobs marketplace.

8. Remember private equity jobs recruiters are paid a percentage fee based on the total compensation package that they negotiate for/with you – it is in their best interest to get the absolute best compensation package for you.

9. Always ask a private equity jobs recruiter where they will be sending and/or posting your private equity jobs focused resume; you don’t want your resume being posted across web sites without your permission or knowledge, for obvious reasons.

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