Saturday, May 8, 2010

Investing For a 30-50% Return Per Year By Doing Equity Research

Equity Research

It seems amazing that you can get these kinds of returns investing. The idea that you have to take on a lot of risk to realise these kinds of returns is simply a myth. The real truth is that you need to know how to value a company and pick bargains. Any of the great fund managers can get 50% returns per year, or more, on small amounts of money. These great returns are over a long term period of at least three to five years.

How to Pick Winners - Return on Capital

The most important thing is to look for in an equity research the return on capital. A company that has an above average return on capital is in a very special position. They can generate more amounts of cash and then invest them in the business and get higher rates of return. To calculate the return on capital, take the companies earnings / dollars invested = return on capital.

The idea is simple. Would you rather invest in a company that needs ten million dollars to generate a one million dollar profit or would you rather invest in a company that can turn 10 million dollars into 50 million dollar profit in the same amount of time. The idea may seem obvious, but there are lots of companies and industries out there that have a very low return on capital and people continue to invest them.

Earnings Yield

The earnings yield is another most important thing to understand. To calculate, you take the earnings per share / price per share. The answer will give you a rate of return. You can take that number and compare it more easily to bonds and other investments to see if the return is good. The main point of the earnings yield is to tell you if the company is being sold to you at a bargain price or not. It may be a spectacular company, but still be priced to highly.

Getting the High Returns

It is really that simple. Find companies that have a high return on capital and that have a high earnings yield. The return on capital tells you whether it is a good business and the earnings yield tells you whether it is a bargain or overpriced. These two figures are really all there is to making spectacular returns.

What to Avoid

A lot can be said here. To get great returns, you must avoid, annuities, mutual funds, cash value life insurance, advice from brokers, and stay the course over a 3-5 year period of time. This is not a short term trading strategy.

Why You Can Beat a Harvard MBA Fund Manager

It may sound cocky to beat a great fund manager, but it can be done. The reason is that mathematically it is much more difficult to grow large amounts of money. Once you get your foot into investing, you must do your own homework and trust your own math. Nobody is going to tell you how to invest wisely. It just doesn't work like that.

The hardest part about reading this is actually believing that it will work, doing your homework, and staying the course. Everybody wants to believe there is a tooth fairy, but the truth is that there isn't one.

Operations Research Analyst Jobs - Are You Interested in a Career in Management Science?

Management science involves using complex analytical techniques in order to solve complex problems and to make improve decision making. Operations research has frequently been used by the military in order to develop sophisticated radar systems that they can use to search for enemy equipment and supplies when they are needed.

In the private sector, operational research is frequently utilised in order to maximise business opportunities, using computer modelling in order to determine the best course of action for a corporation. Large corporations are incredibly complex, and they will frequently need to manage a large amount of resources. Research analysts will find ways to utilize these resources efficiently, and they will come up with a number of solutions which they will present to the managers of the company, will then choose the best course of action.

These professionals are frequently involved in the top levels of companies making strategic decisions and allocating resources properly. Operations analysts will frequently run various problems in some areas through computer systems in order to estimate probabilities of success for a course of action or a business decision, frequently constructing mathematical models in order to describe the process.

An example would be working for an airline agency, using computer modeling in order to estimate flight scheduling, passenger demand, ticket prices, fuel prices, maintenance costs, and other variables in order to improve the decisions of a airline company.

The working conditions for operations analysts typically involve overtime in order to meet deadlines, although they will frequently average 40 hours or work a week. Most of their day is spent in an office environment working on high priority projects, which can be stressful.

Most of these individuals will have a bachelor's degree in a field such as computer science or engineering, and they will frequently be well versed in computer technology in order to create statistical models. Management scientist positions will grow slightly faster than the rate of population growth over the next decade, and most sectors of the economy will employ these professionals.

Financial Advisor and analyst Jobs - Not As Easy to Make Money As You Think

If you've been looking at financial analyst jobs, or trying to find out how to become a financial advisor, I've got news for you: it's not as easy to make money with this position as you think.

I'm a veteran of the financial services industry, having spent 7 years as a financial advisor. I was blessed to have built a thriving practice of over 200 client groups. I sold my financial planning practice and received a very nice payout for several years.

So I'm speaking to you from experience when I say this: IT'S NOT EASY TO MAKE MONEY AS A FINANCIAL ADVISOR.

As a matter of fact, I would place this way of earning income high on the difficult-ways-to-make-money list.

Here's why.

First, you'll probably work for several years before you turn a real profit. When I say several years, I mean in the neighborhood of 3+ years to really find your groove and have things moving along like clockwork.

Second, you'll probably work lots of hours in the beginning. Working 60+ hours as a financial planner is not unusual in the beginning years of building a practice. There won't be a lot of time spent with friends and family. They get used to it, but why should they?

Third, it takes time to build seasoned relationships with your clients, where they come to trust you, know you and like you. People only do increased business with people they know, like and trust. Depending upon your personality, it could be easy (or not so easy) for people to get to know, like and trust you. Time is required.

Becoming a financial advisor is not a viable solution for money problems today, if you're looking to make money quickly. You'll probably be out of lots of money and time before you actually hit profit status, which can be true of many businesses out there.

The important thing is that you go into the financial services industry with your eyes wide open, and no stars in them.

I began my career in financial services with stars in my eyes, excited about being in a prestigious industry with lots of clout and respect and thought it would be fairly easy to build my practice. It wasn't. On some days, it required the proverbial blood, sweat and tears.

So tread carefully when considering financial advisor jobs. There is a higher profit, easier alternative (see below).

Valerie Love is a highly successful entrepreneur with LifePath Unlimited--where your destiny awaits. She is growing a global team of like-minded, profitable business owners who are committed to making money doing what they love, and helping others succeed in the booming personal and prosperity development industry.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Finance Jobs Are Back in The Market

Even as India continues with their hiring spree, the US market is reeling from the recession's deadly attack. The percentage of unemployment has now reached to ten percent - for the second time since World War 2. It begun to look more hopeful before it relapsed back into its depressing mode of op.

Millions of unemployed in the United States are of the sentiment that no recovery is on its way. The estimation lies in mid-2010 for the hiring to be resumed. Experts say that the unemployment rate will come down to a more normal three to five percent in the next four to five years.

The 1930's recession seemed to have relived itself in 2009, and it looks like it may finally be coming to an end, even though the recovery period is expected to remain around awhile yet. The recovery apparently isn't expected to be strong enough to breach the loss of jobs and revive small and start-up businesses again. It looks like the unemployed may be out of work awhile longer.

As of now the record for jobless people for six months or more, is set at a whopping five point six million. Few employers are being risk-taker enough to begin hiring once again. Salary packages have been slashed and raise-percentages promised are being postponed for awhile to come.

October 2009 was the twenty-second consecutive month that the United States economy has lost jobs. It is a depressing time to be left jobless with the holiday season around the corner and the shopping lists are being made. There is validation that joblessness is full on track, no matter what specialists or government bodies may say.

Based on a survey of company payrolls, the Labor Department said that the economy had shed 190,000 jobs in October alone. Another survey conducted on households showed that 558,000 additional people were unemployed last month from the month before it. The total count now is that 15.7 million American citizens are out of work.

Small businesses and start-up companies seem to be among the hardest hit with little prior financial stability to fall back on in times of difficulty.

As you know, accounts & finance jobs were the first to go out of the market when the recession hit with its deadly financial global meltdown, but research says that finance jobs are back! Whether or not there is a general ten percent unemployment rate, finance jobs are slowly creeping back into the market. Hooray to those in finance! Your luck is turning around.

The financial services sector is beginning to grow and hire and the accounts finance jobs, healthcare, IT and ITES sectors are also slowly going back into hiring mode. Companies are advertising for their hiring sprees and candidates in India are once again looking hopefully.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Broking Jobs - Could You Be An Insurance Broker

An insurance broker job is a "go-between"--they go between the business or customer and the insurance company. An insurance agent works for only one insurance company while an insurance broker represents and works for many insurance companies. An insurance broker specialises in finding the best possible insurance for the best price with the insurance company that will best suit your needs. Often a broker will come back to you with several policy options for you to choose from, as well as their expert opinion on which policy and insurance company is your best bet.

Insurance brokers usually have access to dozens, even hundreds, of insurance companies. Brokers do not charge their customers for their service; instead the insurance companies pay them a commission on the policies they sell to their customers.

In order to have a broking job, you need to be a licensed insurance broker and then gain experience in the industry. A good broker knows the insurance industry and can search the companies for policies for their customers easily and quickly. As a broker, you will be red-tape cutter for your customer, know all the jargon, processes and procedures of the insurance companies and help your customer understand the insurance policy by putting it into more layman terms.

Broking jobs exist in every aspect of insurance, but particularly auto and home insurance. There are some life insurance brokers available, but they are primarily found in home and auto insurance.

Broking jobs in the UK are overseen by BIBA--the British Insurance Brokers Association, of which all brokers are a member. This association helps to ensure that brokers are who they say they are--true brokers who represent many insurance companies instead of a broker who is really an agent for only one insurance company. The BIBA symbol is imperative if you are looking for a broker, or becoming a broker--people across the UK will look for this symbol as a method of legitimising your broking job.

The BIBA also offers training to ensure that people in broking jobs maintain their level of understanding of the insurance market in the UK. Brokers who take the courses are brought up to date on the most current trends, statistics and warnings of the insurance industry--all of which are key to having a broking job.

How to Find Private Equity Jobs Working With Recruiters

It’s critical to know how to work with a private equity jobs recruiter if you want to get your resume in front of the right private equity hiring firm and to give personal brand broad distribution to a group of targeted private equity job recruiters. Here are some basic rules of the road to utilize to work for/with private equity jobs recruiters:

1. Understand that most recruiters are “retained” to find private equity job candidates that would be a good fit for a private equity job that they are work on. They are all busy looking for that “right” candidate – so, when you are on the phone with them make sure you have a career highlights script you want to review with them, which can be a summary of your background to date.

2. Always take a call from a private equity jobs recruiter – they are an important source for jobs and it is always in your best interest to have some meaningful dialogue with them about your background, compensation and/or optimum private equity job you are looking for.

3. Some of the specific points you want to discuss with a private equity jobs recruiter include: what their specific focus is in terms of jobs (hedge fund jobs, private equity jobs, back office financial services), will they treat your resume in confidence and not shotgun blast it out to companies and via the web, do they concentrate on a specific geographical are, what is timeline to hear back from them.

4. Identify a small number of private equity jobs recruiters that you want to work with who are focusing on private equity jobs and maintain some regular contact with them. Building a long term relationship with them is a good thing, as they have access to a steady flow of private equity jobs that you might not find via any other source.

5. If a recruiter contacts you about a private equity job then ask for a job description first and then analyze it to understand if it matches your skill sets; if not, don’t waste their time, as they will remember this moving forward and refer them to someone that you know may be a better fit or simply let them know your background is not a good fit.

6. Do refer your friends/associates to your recruiter network for any type of private equity job – they will remember you for the valuable referral and this will help to cement a relationship with them – it’s called building valuable mindshare.

7. Compensation is typically come up in conversations with private equity jobs recruiters – be honest with them about your current position (don’t pad your numbers!) and what you’d like to make for your next position. They can give you valuable perspective about what other peers are making in the private equity jobs marketplace.

8. Remember private equity jobs recruiters are paid a percentage fee based on the total compensation package that they negotiate for/with you – it is in their best interest to get the absolute best compensation package for you.

9. Always ask a private equity jobs recruiter where they will be sending and/or posting your private equity jobs focused resume; you don’t want your resume being posted across web sites without your permission or knowledge, for obvious reasons.